6 Tried-and-True Principles of Writing Content for Exhibition Marketing

You have developed a sound marketing strategy for your exhibition participation with one goal in mind.

The goal may be to:

  • Drive sales
  • Get foot traffic to your stand
  • Book in attendees for demonstrations etc.

Whatever the goal, your promotions, artwork and copy must work together to help achieve this.

When it comes to developing the content for your pre-event marketing strategies, it is important to consider ‘how’ you write your content.

Follow these 6 Tried-and-True principles to achieve strong exhibition content copy:

1. Make it personal

Tailor your messages across all marketing channels to make the prospect believe you are talking directly to them, the individual, not to a stadium full of people. Strike a friendly, “from-me-to-you” tone in your copy, like you would talk to someone face to face. Whether your brand voice is informal and casual, or formal and precise, imagine you are writing or speaking to one person.

Where possible, use data to personalise the message to the recipient. Technology allows personalisation to be completed easily; add their name in email subjects, use their company name in text etc.

Always remember to talk to your prospect about themselves! They don’t want to hear about you or your company, they want to know what you can do for them. Aim to use the word ‘you’ in your content more than you use the words ‘we’ or ‘I’.

OUT  –  ‘Hi, The XYZ will be on display at the exhibition. Come past our stand and we can provide a demonstration’

IN  –  ‘ Hi Anne, we would love to show you how the XYZ product could help you save time and money. Would you like to book a demo at the exhibition?”

2. Outline The Benefits

What can you offer your prospects? Tell them about the benefits to them. They don’t want to know about the features or specs, they want to know how it will help them.

This is where your writing needs to get creative. Write copy that reaches to your readers emotions, pull them in with feelings. The words need to address their fears, worries, pain point or immediate needs.

OUT  –  ‘Our newest model vacuum has our strongest motor yet with 125,000rpm.”

IN  –  ‘With our latest model vacuum you will spend less time cleaning and more time with family, due to the new ultra high suction motor.’

3. Keep Design In Mind

The design of your marketing materials is just as important as the copy, but don’t make it too fancy that it overpowers the message its self.

Good design should get the readers attention quickly and entice them to look deeper. If the reader isn’t instantly drawn in, your marketing efforts will more than likely end up in the trash.

Visual communication is one of the most effective ways of sending information. According to the Social Science Research Network, 65 percent of us are visual learners and presentations using visual aids were found to be 43% more persuasive than unaided presentations.

The use of images and visuals are helpful in getting readers to understand the product or offering. Try to incorporate diagrams, use charts, add videos in digital content, even create an infographic.


4. Make It Easy to Read

You want all your readers to be able to understand and believe what your are writing. Make your copy easy to read by using simple words and short sentences. Tell your reader a story that makes them nod their heads in agreement with you.

Make sure all the information in the marketing is readable. Use a font that is easy to read and in an appropriate size when printed.

5. CTA

Create a strong Call To Action (CTA). You need to tell your reader what you want the to do, and tell them multiple times.

A Call To Action (CTA) is arguably the most important part of your marketing strategy. Your call to action is an instruction to the reader designed to provoke an immediate response.

Inspire the reader to take action right then and there. Incorporate specific wording to inspire a direct and immediate action, the hallmark of a good CTA.You’re trying to get them to complete an action like:

6. Create A Sense of Urgency

Your reader needs to believe what you are offering is limited and therefore cultivates a sense of urgency. This sense of urgency is what is going to help push your reader into making the desired action (sign up for a demonstration, book an appointment etc).
Enter Scarcity Principle.

Scarcity in marketing means to use the fear of shortage to sell more.

Using scarcity marketing in your copywriting will help create the sense of urgency so your readers make the desired action. Put simply, this means creating basic buyer fear that the ‘item’ will sell out before they get their hands on it.

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